If you like stats then the 2011 Universal Craft Blog Directory had over 30,000 views and a massive 83,000+ link clicks!
It's now time to start a fresh new directory.
This directory list involves no voting and no favourites. The list will be in alphabetical and the great news is that it's not just for bloggers!
If you have a crafty Instagram account or Facebook page/group or your own knitting/crochet pattern design shop/site etc you can also add your name to the directory.
The directory is basically a starting point for people wanting something 'fresh' or inspiring to read.
If you don't have any sort of blog or crafty social media page but you are a crafter who sells, then pop over here to add yourself in the comments to this page so people can find your store.
You can link to your blog OR instagram acct OR Facebook page/group or any other social media account but please just add the one, not all of them!
~ to add yourself to the directory ~~ click HERE ~~ to go to the submission form.
~ then come back here and check out all the other crafty blogs on the list so far.
You can link to your blog OR instagram acct OR Facebook page/group or any other social media account but please just add the one, not all of them!
~ to add yourself to the directory ~~ click HERE ~~ to go to the submission form.
~ then come back here and check out all the other crafty blogs on the list so far.
~ remember to bookmark the page for your reference and to share it with your fellow crafty friends.
You will notice that I'm not using a 3rd party link manager like I did with the 2011 directory, this is for several reasons such as I want to keep the list alphabetical, show craft interests and I don't want you to have to scroll & scroll & scroll all the way down the page to find where you enter your details!
A Blog Called Wanda
A Crafty Fox
A Creative Newmie
A Handstitched Life
A Little Happy Place
A Little Patchwork
A Quilter's Table
A Spoonful of Sugar
A Stitching Odyssey
Abbey Dabbles
A J Padilla
All That Glitter
Allie Jackson
Almost Makes Perfect
Alphabet Summer
Amanda's Adventures in Sewing
Ambassador Crochet
Mac's Crafts
Made by Rae
Magic with Hook & Needles
Make It Blossom
Make Something
Making the Flame
Marly Bird
Mary Scott Huff
MaryJane Mucklestone
Maximum Creations
May Rose Sewing
Maz Kwok's Designs
Me and My Quilts
Measure Twice Cut Once
Melodies Kreativeck
Melly Sews
Michelle's Creations
Mindless Indulgence
Ministry of Fabric
Minki's Worktable
Miss Celie's Pants
Miss Crayola Creepy
Miss Maddy Sews
Molly and Mama
Molly Flanders
Mostly Crafty
Mrs Mole
Mrs Weavers Finest
Mummykins & Me
My Go-Go Life
My Sweet Sunshine
My World of Wool
Nana Company
Needle n Thread
New Horizons Designs
News Teddy Bears
Nice Dress! Thanks I Made It!
Ninja8tofu Designs
Nita Collins
Nocturnal Knits
Not Your Average Crochet
Nurse Bean Sews
Obovate Designs
Oh How Sweet
Olga Jazzy
Olive Knits
Oliver and S
One Sheepish Girl
Oombawka Design Crochet
Organize and Decorate Everything
Oui Crochet
Outstanding Crochet
Paper & Stitch
Pattern Scissors Cloth
Patterns by Jen
Patterns for Pirates
Pearberry Lane
Periodic Knitting
Petals to Picots
Petty Grievances
Remember to spread the word about the directory or perhaps add button to your blog - the more people that know about the blog the bigger the crafting community becomes. Use the html code below to add the button to your blog.
You will notice that I'm not using a 3rd party link manager like I did with the 2011 directory, this is for several reasons such as I want to keep the list alphabetical, show craft interests and I don't want you to have to scroll & scroll & scroll all the way down the page to find where you enter your details!
The Craft Blog Directory.
In alphabetical order as follows:
In alphabetical order as follows:
A Blog Called Wanda
A Crafty Fox
A Creative Newmie
A Handstitched Life

A Little Patchwork
A Quilter's Table
A Spoonful of Sugar
A Stitching Odyssey
Abbey Dabbles
A J Padilla
All That Glitter
Allie Jackson
Almost Makes Perfect
Alphabet Summer
Amanda's Adventures in Sewing
Ambassador Crochet
Anne's Blog
Annies Place
Applegreen Cottage
Arne and Carlos
Articles of a Domestic Goddess
As I Said
As Kat Knits
At Brigitte's Place
Attic 24
Autumn Wood Bears
Ayn Hanna
Annies Place
Applegreen Cottage
Arne and Carlos
Articles of a Domestic Goddess
As I Said
As Kat Knits
At Brigitte's Place
Attic 24
Autumn Wood Bears
Ayn Hanna
Ball Hank n Skein
Bead Girl Beading Gem
Bearing All
Beatrice Ryan Designs
Because of Brenna
Bella Crochet
Bella Sunshine
Beyond the Square
Bimble & Pimble
Block M Quilts
Blogless Anna
Blue House Joys
Blue Prints for Sewing
Boo Designs
Bra Making Blog
Briana K Designs
Bregjes Design
Bumblebees & Butterflies
Busy Busy Bee Jay
Busy Hands Are Happy Hands
But It Can't Be From Dolly Clackett
By Gum By Golly
By Hand London
Café Nohut
Catherine Daze's Blog
Chasing Stories
Cheeky Cognoscenti
Chelles Quilts
Cherry Heart
Clio & Phineas
Chrissy Card Land
Chronically Siobhan
Claire Turpin Design
Clay by Laura
Cloth Habit
Club Tissus
Coco's Loft
Coffee & Thread
Cole and Taffy
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Confident Beginner
Connie K Resin
Connie's Spot
Cookin' & Craftin'
Country Lady Quilts
Crab & Bee
Craft Buds
Crafternoon Treats
Crafty Gemini
Craft Gossip
Crafty Planner
Cream of the Crop Crochet
Create with Barb
Crochet Between Worlds
Crochet by Karin
Crochet Bug
Crochet Concupiscence
Crochet Dreamz
Crocet Ever After
Crochet n Crafts
Crochet Geek
Crochet Memories
Crochet Objet
Crochet Spot
Crystals and Crochet
Crystals Scraps
Cup Cait
Cupcakes Creations
Curvy Sewing Collective
Day Dream Patterns
Diary of a Chain Stitcher
Diary of a Sewing Fanatic
Did You Make That
Dionne Quiltuplets
Divine Debris
Dixie DIY
DIY Couture
Do It Better Yourself Club
Doll and Design
Don't Call Me Betsy
Doodle Number 5
Doodlebugs & Rosebuds
Doohikey Designs
Dotta Sewing
Down Cloverlaine
Down Grapevine Lane
Drea Renee Knits
Eclectic Quilter
Edie Eckman
Elk Studio
Elle Gee Makes
Ellie and Mac
Ellis and Higgs
Elven Garden Quilts
Emerald Erin
Emma Jean Jansen
English Girl At Home
Every Trick on the Hook
Fabric Tragic
Fairy Rocks & Things
Falafel and the Bee
Fandom Stitches
Farm Fresh Therapy
Fat Quarter Shop
Feeling Stitchy
Felted Button
Feminist Stitch
Fibre and Sustenance
Figs and Things
Fine Mess Pottery
Four Seasons and a Roadtrip
Future Relics
Georgina Giles
Ball Hank n Skein
Bead Girl Beading Gem
Bearing All
Beatrice Ryan Designs
Because of Brenna
Bella Crochet
Bella Sunshine
Beyond the Square
Bimble & Pimble
Block M Quilts
Blogless Anna
Blue House Joys
Blue Prints for Sewing
Boo Designs
Bra Making Blog
Briana K Designs
Bregjes Design
Bumblebees & Butterflies
Busy Busy Bee Jay
Busy Hands Are Happy Hands
But It Can't Be From Dolly Clackett
By Gum By Golly
By Hand London
Café Nohut
Catherine Daze's Blog
Chasing Stories
Cheeky Cognoscenti
Chelles Quilts
Cherry Heart
Clio & Phineas
Chrissy Card Land
Chronically Siobhan
Claire Turpin Design
Clay by Laura
Cloth Habit
Club Tissus
Coco's Loft
Coffee & Thread
Cole and Taffy
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Confident Beginner
Connie K Resin
Connie's Spot
Cookin' & Craftin'
Country Lady Quilts
Crab & Bee
Craft Buds
Crafternoon Treats
Crafty Gemini
Craft Gossip
Crafty Planner
Cream of the Crop Crochet
Create with Barb
Crochet Between Worlds
Crochet by Karin
Crochet Bug
Crochet Concupiscence
Crochet Dreamz
Crocet Ever After
Crochet n Crafts
Crochet Geek
Crochet Memories
Crochet Objet
Crochet Spot
Crystals and Crochet
Crystals Scraps
Cup Cait
Cupcakes Creations
Curvy Sewing Collective
Day Dream Patterns
Diary of a Chain Stitcher
Diary of a Sewing Fanatic
Did You Make That
Dionne Quiltuplets
Divine Debris
Dixie DIY
DIY Couture
Do It Better Yourself Club
Doll and Design
Don't Call Me Betsy
Doodle Number 5
Doodlebugs & Rosebuds
Doohikey Designs
Dotta Sewing
Down Cloverlaine
Down Grapevine Lane
Drea Renee Knits
Eclectic Quilter
Edie Eckman
Elk Studio
Elle Gee Makes
Ellie and Mac
Ellis and Higgs
Elven Garden Quilts
Emerald Erin
Emma Jean Jansen
English Girl At Home
Every Trick on the Hook
Fabric Tragic
Fairy Rocks & Things
Falafel and the Bee
Fandom Stitches
Farm Fresh Therapy
Fat Quarter Shop
Feeling Stitchy
Felted Button
Feminist Stitch
Fibre and Sustenance
Figs and Things
Fine Mess Pottery
Four Seasons and a Roadtrip
Future Relics
Georgina Giles
Germander Cottage Crafts
Gerties Blog For Better Sewing
Giggles Galore
Ginger Makes
Gleeful Things
Glitter in my Coffee
Gnome Angel
Go Crochet
Grace and Peace Quilting
Granny Doodle
Gray Barn Designs
Gretchen's Little Corner
H & G Collections
Hand Stitched Treasure
Handmade Boy
Handmade by Carolyn
Handmade by Heather B
Handmade Frenzy
Handmade Habit
Handmade Hunt
Happy Berry Crochet
Happy Go Lucky
Happy in Red
Happy Little Cottage
Highly Reasonable
Helen's Closet
Hodge Podge Farm
Hopeful Honey
Hooks 'n' Tales
Hot Pink Quilts
How To Be A Professional Knitter
Humble Quilts
Gerties Blog For Better Sewing
Giggles Galore
Ginger Makes
Gleeful Things
Glitter in my Coffee
Gnome Angel
Go Crochet
Grace and Peace Quilting
Granny Doodle
Gray Barn Designs
Gretchen's Little Corner
H & G Collections
Hand Stitched Treasure
Handmade Boy
Handmade by Carolyn
Handmade by Heather B
Handmade Frenzy
Handmade Habit
Handmade Hunt
Happy Berry Crochet
Happy Go Lucky
Happy in Red
Happy Little Cottage
Highly Reasonable
Helen's Closet
Hodge Podge Farm
Hopeful Honey
Hooks 'n' Tales
Hot Pink Quilts
How To Be A Professional Knitter
Humble Quilts
I Am Luna Sol
I Married Superman
Idle Fancy
Idle Hands Awake
I Patch & Quilt
Imperial Crochet
In Color Order
In Stitches with Bonnie
Inside Out Style
It's All in a Nutshell
Jasika Nicole
JC Briar
Jeannie Gray Knits
Jedi Craft Girl
Jezze Prints
Jill Wolcott Knits
Jimmy Beans Wool
Jina Barney Desingz
Karen Barbe
Kat and Cat Quilts
Katarina Kay Creations
Katie's Kitchen
Katy Quilts
I Am Luna Sol
I Married Superman
Idle Fancy
Idle Hands Awake
I Patch & Quilt
Imperial Crochet
In Color Order
In Stitches with Bonnie
Inside Out Style
It's All in a Nutshell
Jasika Nicole
JC Briar
Jeannie Gray Knits
Jedi Craft Girl
Jezze Prints
Jill Wolcott Knits
Jimmy Beans Wool
Jina Barney Desingz
Karen Barbe
Kat and Cat Quilts
Katarina Kay Creations
Katie's Kitchen
Katy Quilts
Keep Calm & Carry Yarn
Keep Calm and Crochet on UK
Kinda Quilty
Kitschy Coo
Kleinworth & Co
Knit and Tonic
Knitting School Dropout
Knotty Needle
Kristen Doran
La Maison Rililie
La Sewista!
Lacy Crochet
Lady Sewalot
Laura Chau
Lemon Jitters
This Little Street
Life in a 'Mads' House
Life of a Fairy Bra Mother
Life So Savory
Lilabelle Lane
LillaBjorn's Crochet World
LilyBean Paperie
Lily Sage and Co
Lines Across
Little Bunny Quilts
Little Doolally
Little Heart Threads
Little Kiwis Closet
Little Monkeys Crochet
Little Stitches Art
Little Yarn Friends
Live Love Sew
Loops & Lil
Keep Calm and Crochet on UK
Kinda Quilty
Kitschy Coo
Kleinworth & Co
Knit and Tonic
Knitting School Dropout
Knotty Needle
Kristen Doran
La Maison Rililie
La Sewista!
Lacy Crochet
Lady Sewalot
Laura Chau
Lemon Jitters
This Little Street
Life in a 'Mads' House
Life of a Fairy Bra Mother
Life So Savory
Lilabelle Lane
LillaBjorn's Crochet World
LilyBean Paperie
Lily Sage and Co
Lines Across
Little Bunny Quilts
Little Doolally
Little Heart Threads
Little Kiwis Closet
Little Monkeys Crochet
Little Stitches Art
Little Yarn Friends
Live Love Sew
Loops & Lil
Lorelei Jayne
Lori Baker Crochet
Louise Peers
Love Notions
Lovely Indeed
Lucky Lucille
Lucy Kate Crochet
Lori Baker Crochet
Louise Peers
Love Notions
Lovely Indeed
Lucky Lucille
Lucy Kate Crochet
Mac's Crafts
Made by Rae
Magic with Hook & Needles
Make It Blossom
Make Something
Making the Flame
Marly Bird
Mary Scott Huff
MaryJane Mucklestone
Maximum Creations
May Rose Sewing
Maz Kwok's Designs
Me and My Quilts
Measure Twice Cut Once
Melodies Kreativeck
Melly Sews
Michelle's Creations
Mindless Indulgence
Ministry of Fabric
Minki's Worktable
Miss Celie's Pants
Miss Crayola Creepy
Miss Maddy Sews
Molly and Mama
Molly Flanders
Mostly Crafty
Mrs Mole
Mrs Weavers Finest
Mummykins & Me
My Go-Go Life
My Sweet Sunshine
My World of Wool
Nana Company
Needle n Thread
New Horizons Designs
News Teddy Bears
Nice Dress! Thanks I Made It!
Ninja8tofu Designs
Nita Collins
Nocturnal Knits
Not Your Average Crochet
Nurse Bean Sews
Obovate Designs
Oh How Sweet
Olga Jazzy
Olive Knits
Oliver and S
One Sheepish Girl
Oombawka Design Crochet
Organize and Decorate Everything
Oui Crochet
Outstanding Crochet
Paper & Stitch
Pattern Scissors Cloth
Patterns by Jen
Patterns for Pirates
Pearberry Lane
Periodic Knitting
Petals to Picots
Petty Grievances
Pin Cut Studio
Polka Dot Chair
Poppy Kettle
Pretty By Hand
Quilt Guild
Quilt Odyssey
Quilted Hearts
Quilting in the Rain
Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework
Quilting Jet Girl
Quilty Love
Rachel Piso
Rachel Teodoro
Random Things
Polka Dot Chair
Poppy Kettle
Pretty By Hand
Quilt Guild
Quilt Odyssey
Quilted Hearts
Quilting in the Rain
Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework
Quilting Jet Girl
Quilty Love
Rachel Piso
Rachel Teodoro
Random Things
Replicate Then Deviate
Ric Rac
Rock Baby Scissors
Rogue Quilter
Ronnies Happy Blog
Roo's Ruse
Run to Radiance
Running With A Glue Gun
Samelia's Mum
Sarana Ave
Saturday Night Stitch
Scruffy Badger Time
Seam of my Pants
Seam Ripped
Secondo Piano
See Carmen Sew
Sew & Tell Project
Sew Cook Travel
Sew Fearless
Sew Fun
Sew Pretty In Pink
Sew Sorry Sew Fat
Sewing and Slapdashery
Sewing by Ti
Sewing Portfolios
Serger Pepper
Sewing Like Mad
Sew Little Time
Sewing Rabbit
Sew Red-y
Sew Sweetness
Sewing Like Mad
Shannon Fraser
She Quilts A Lot
She Who Sews
Silver Lining Atelier
Simply Collectible
Sizzle Stitch
Slammin The Screen Door
Smiles From Kate
Schnitzel & Boo
Replicate Then Deviate
Ric Rac
Rock Baby Scissors
Rogue Quilter
Ronnies Happy Blog
Roo's Ruse
Run to Radiance
Running With A Glue Gun
Sarana Ave
Saturday Night Stitch
Scruffy Badger Time
Seam of my Pants
Seam Ripped
Secondo Piano
See Carmen Sew
Sew & Tell Project
Sew Cook Travel
Sew Fearless
Sew Fun
Sew Pretty In Pink
Sew Sorry Sew Fat
Sewing and Slapdashery
Sewing by Ti
Sewing Portfolios
Serger Pepper
Sewing Like Mad
Sew Little Time
Sewing Rabbit
Sew Red-y
Sew Sweetness
Sewing Like Mad
Shannon Fraser
She Quilts A Lot
She Who Sews
Silver Lining Atelier
Simply Collectible
Sizzle Stitch
Slammin The Screen Door
Smiles From Kate
Schnitzel & Boo
Snar Craft
So, Zo
Someday Sewing
Sons Popkes
Sparkles, Sprinkles and Everyday Crap
Spin Spin
Sprite Writes
Sprouting JubeJube
Stacy Olson
Stash Bee
So, Zo
Someday Sewing
Sons Popkes
Sparkles, Sprinkles and Everyday Crap
Spin Spin
Sprite Writes
Sprouting JubeJube
Stacy Olson
Stash Bee
Steph Creates DIY Home & Crafts
Stitch Upon A Time
Stitched Together
Stitching Basket
Stitching Grandma
Straight Grain
Straight Stitch
Stitch Upon A Time
Stitched Together
Stitching Basket
Stitching Grandma
Straight Grain
Straight Stitch
String Geekery
Struggles Sews a Straight Seam
Studio DIY
Sublime Stitching
Sugar and Cloth
Sunflower Seams
Sunlight In Winter Quilts
Susan Pinner
Sweet Alchemy
Sweet Nothings Crochet
Sweet Pea Family Blog
Sweet Potato 3
Swoon Blog
Tailor Made Blog
Tales of a Red Clay Rambler
That's Sew Venice
The Art in Martha
The Art of Making
The Cotton Robin
The Country Chic Cottage
The Crafting Fiend
The Crafty Kitty
The Craftyblog Stalker
The Crochet Crowd
The Crocheting Mum
The Drapery
The Dream Crochet Blog
The Eli Monster
The Elven Garden
The Family Hearth
The Flemings Nine
The Friendly Red Fox
The Itinerant Chemist
The Healthy Knitter
The Homemakery
The Homesteady
The Knitting Squirrel
The Lingerie Addict
The Little Shabby Shed
The Merry Thought
The Monthly Stitch
The Simple Life
The Naughty Bun
The Sewing & Life Adventures of..
The Smart Cat
The Stitchin' Mommy
The Strawberry Thief
The Tell Tale Tasha
The Twisted Yarn
Thimble & Threads
Things for Boys
This Blog Is Not For You
This Knitted Life
This Little Street
Thread Riding Hood
Thrift at Home
Through the Keyhole
Tied With A Ribbon
Tina Givens
Tinka With This
True Bias
Truly Myrtle
Twinkie Chan
Underground Crafter
UnRuly Quilting
Vera and Bess
Very Purple Person
Very Shannon
Vicki's Craft & Quilting
Vicki Howell
Struggles Sews a Straight Seam
Studio DIY
Sublime Stitching
Sugar and Cloth
Sunflower Seams
Sunlight In Winter Quilts
Susan Pinner
Sweet Alchemy
Sweet Nothings Crochet
Sweet Pea Family Blog
Sweet Potato 3
Swoon Blog
Tailor Made Blog
Tales of a Red Clay Rambler
That's Sew Venice
The Art in Martha
The Art of Making
The Cotton Robin
The Country Chic Cottage
The Crafting Fiend
The Crafty Kitty
The Craftyblog Stalker
The Crochet Crowd
The Crocheting Mum
The Drapery
The Dream Crochet Blog
The Eli Monster
The Elven Garden
The Family Hearth
The Flemings Nine
The Friendly Red Fox
The Itinerant Chemist
The Healthy Knitter
The Homemakery
The Homesteady
The Knitting Squirrel
The Lingerie Addict
The Little Shabby Shed
The Merry Thought
The Monthly Stitch
The Simple Life
The Naughty Bun
The Sewing & Life Adventures of..
The Smart Cat
The Stitchin' Mommy
The Strawberry Thief
The Tell Tale Tasha
The Twisted Yarn
Thimble & Threads
Things for Boys
This Blog Is Not For You
This Knitted Life
This Little Street
Thread Riding Hood
Thrift at Home
Through the Keyhole
Tied With A Ribbon
Tina Givens
Tinka With This
True Bias
Truly Myrtle
Twinkie Chan
Underground Crafter
UnRuly Quilting
Vera and Bess
Very Purple Person
Very Shannon
Vicki's Craft & Quilting
Vicki Howell
Victoria Marchant Knits
Vikki Bird Design
Vivid Felicity
Wardrobe by Me
Wee Little Stitches
What A Hoot Quilts
What Katie Did
What Katie Sews
While She Was Sleeping
Whimsy Couture Sewing
Whimsy Quilts
Whip Stitch
Whistle and Ivy
Why Not Pottery
Why Not Sew
Wife Made
Vikki Bird Design
Vivid Felicity
Wardrobe by Me
Wee Little Stitches
What A Hoot Quilts
What Katie Did
What Katie Sews
While She Was Sleeping
Whimsy Couture Sewing
Whimsy Quilts
Whip Stitch
Whistle and Ivy
Why Not Pottery
Why Not Sew
Wife Made
WIP Insanity (Kathleen Sperling)
Wooden Spoon Quilts
Woolly Butt Bears
Yarn & Hook Happy
Zakka Art
1 Dog Woof
2 Dishing Divas
5 out of 4
7 Pine Design
Click here, to check out my Amazon Page for some great crafty inspo and links to some great books to read.
Wooden Spoon Quilts
Woolly Butt Bears
Yarn & Hook Happy
Zakka Art
1 Dog Woof
2 Dishing Divas
5 out of 4
7 Pine Design
Click here, to check out my Amazon Page for some great crafty inspo and links to some great books to read.
I utilise affiliate links throughout my blog as a way to help me keep crafting. If you click on an aff link, I receive a very small amount from it at NO cost to you. So please help me to keep CraftyRie up and running by clicking on my aff links! Many thanks, Rie
Remember to spread the word about the directory or perhaps add button to your blog - the more people that know about the blog the bigger the crafting community becomes. Use the html code below to add the button to your blog.

ReplyDeleteLovely idea, so easy to find a crafty blog now, If you would like to find out more about garment linings or thermostatic components, please contact us by clicking on the relevant link.
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