29 February, 2016

Makey, Makey

I've kinda got the creative mojo on full throttle at the moment!  I'm streaming along on this rainbow blanket and I'm really happy with the progress.  
this post contains some affiliate links
In case you ask, the blanket pattern is this one and the gorgeous yarn is this from A Little Woollie.   

I'm also happily sewing away on my tote bag and ohmygosh ... I'm loving it!  I have to say that the online class was totally inspiring with the pattern being super easy - way easier than what I thought it would be! 
I can't wait to show you my next progress shot of the bag!
How is your mojo? Is it going full throttle or still idling?!?

25 February, 2016

A little bias

Ooh, lookie, I made bias binding!
I've never made binding before, always put it in the 'too hard' basket but because I'm testing myself and actually making things -- I tried it and did it ....and shock horror: it was easy!

23 February, 2016

Ta daa: overalls

A quick show & tell today.
I actually cut these out a few months ago and suddenly yesterday I remembered that I hadn't made them & thought I'd better sew them up before Laney has a growth spurt!

18 February, 2016

Crochet love

I popped a piccie up on Instagram and it turns out that people LOVE it and keep asking questions via the piccie post & via dm ..so here are the answers!

17 February, 2016

Ta daa: pot holders

I'm feeling pretty chuffed with myself .. I bought an online class, watched the class then actually, (yes actually!) sat down at my sewing machine and completed the first practice project which are these pot holders. 
So ..or sew, what do you think? Would you like to see some more piccies, even the mistakes? Of course you do!

15 February, 2016

Hexies: fabric, felted and um... chocolate!

Do you ever get crazy ideas?  I do, all the time but this time the idea actually worked!

12 February, 2016

Ta daa.. A stripey baby cardi

A quick project in between big projects.  I have a few friends having babies but this one, I actually know the sex of, so I did a stash dive to use up some of those odd balls that I seem to gather.

10 February, 2016

How about a VAL?

It turns out that Valentines Day is next week.... and for me or for most ..or for some, well, we sometimes find that day a little disappointing.

09 February, 2016

Hexies, life and an opinion, please.

Ever get that feeling that the more you do, the less you achieve?