27 November, 2012

The day a toaster met a plant...

This is a story about a toaster, some magic mojo & a plant called pigface.

26 November, 2012

Taa Daa...

It's brag time for me, what do you think of the vest I made for bubba?

21 November, 2012

Taa daaa

She's done!
Here she is, the angel for the Ornament Swap.
What do you think of her?

20 November, 2012

Angel making

Here is the update progress of my ornament for the Ornament swap....  
In case you can't tell, she's an angel.
 Starting off with silver wire, she then gets hung outside to be spray-painted gold.
Then I need to keep checking her to make sure there are no paint runs or bugs stuck to her!
I'd love your opinion, how does she look so far?

Eyes and web

Did you know that down here in Tasmania, there is more UV than in places such as Sydney & Brisbane.
Yep, it's true, that means that I need good sunglasses as well as a good supply of sunscreen on hand. 

19 November, 2012

Doing stuff

I've got a few projects going on the at the moment...

13 November, 2012

One ball wonders

I have this 'thing' - I always wonder how much  I can make out of something!
For example, take one ball of 50 gram wool, how much does that knit up?
Answer: ..... this much!
It's the start of the vest that I'm knitting for my hubby, I'm actually pleasantly surprised how much it knit up!  (is knit up the right words??)

Do you wonder such crazy things?

Can you tell me this? 
When it comes to fabric, how much does a jelly roll make or charm squares?

12 November, 2012

How to::: easily knit sleeves & armholes

There comes a time in a vest or jumper, that you can't put off any more and that is the armholes/sleeves.
Yep, I hate them.  That is until my mum told me how to easily count the stitches whilst casting on/picking the stitches for the sleeve as that is the bit that I always found the hardest!  So I've listed the steps below to help you... and to help me when I have to do it again!
Firstly, lay the garment (good side up) as flat as you can on the table - this is trickier than it sounds as it always curls up!

Stick your finger in the approximate middle, fold over from the armhole bottom to the seam (shoulder) and mark it with safety pin (or a stitch markerstitch marker but I can never find mine!).     Basically, what you have done is made it easier to cast on stitches - lets say the length of the armhole (to the seam) is 32 stitches, by marking the middle you know only have to cast on 16 stitches in each of those gaps (a lot easier than trying to cast on 32 evenly).
But lets make it easier, if you fold it in half again & mark it, you now only have to cast 8 stitches evenly - way better than trying to cast 32 or even 16 evenly.   Now do this for the rest (the back to the seam on the same side & of course the other side of the garment too).
 Now let's talk about how we are going to create those stitches to actually knit the sleeve with!
By pressing the garment flat along your fingers between the markersmarkers, you can quickly see where you will put your 8 stitches. If you see below, I'm going to put a stitch on the before the first green stitch (from the left).
Now, I find this bit easier to do with a crochet hook, but you can just use the knitting needle if you have more patience than me!  Gently 'poke' your crochet hookcrochet hook through the two strands that make up the stitch.
 Wind the yarn around the hook and put onto the knitting needle.
Once you have worked your way to the edge of the armhole it should look a little like the below picture. Now, wasn't that easier working out where to put 8 stitches at a time rather than ... eek 32!
Then you can take out all the markers and knit the sleeve according to the pattern on two needles - rather than try using a circular needle or dpns - you then sew the sleeve up at the end.
 AND.... I did this all with a toddler playing 'pony' on my leg! 
Did this make sense? Did this help you at all?
Or do you just not care because you like sewing & have never picked up a knitting needle except to scratch your back with?!!

Oh & by the way, this technique of marking also works wonders on necklines too!

I'd love it if you popped over to my YouTube channel & subscribed to it & even liked some of my videos. Every like, every follower, every comment is like a great big hug! 

If you need more Crafty Inspo, then check out my shoppable lists here....

I utilise affiliate (aff) links throughout my blog as a way to help me keep crafting. If you click on an aff link, I receive a very small amount from it at NO cost to you. So please help me to keep CraftyRie up and running by clicking on my aff links! Many thanks, Rie

09 November, 2012

It's on!

Eeek, Christmas is a coming and the hectic crafty mayhem begins!
What is that weird looking thing in the photo??

06 November, 2012

Free Pattern:: Crochet an Easy Peasy Washcloth

This washcloth is easy to make, 
it's simple to master and you'll soon be making 1 to 2 each night!
this blog post contains affiliate links
Wool Yarn from Knit Picks

They make great gifts paired with a nice fancy soap (I gift wrap mine with a local goats milk soap).
Felici Self Striping Yarn from Knit Picks

I also use two colours - one for the main body of the washcloth & a contrasting colour for the trim.
Click here or click here for other yarn suggestions to use.

Hook: 5mm crochet hook or whatever hook you feel comfortable using with the yarn.

You will also need some scissors for cutting the yarn ends & a darning needle to weave in the ends.

Ok, let's start!

Chain 25, using the main colour yarn.
Row 1:::   Skip first stitch then *1 sc & 1 dc in the next stitch, skip next stitch.   Repeat from * to end of row.
Repeat row 1 for 18-20 rows either until square or it's at the size you like!  (I crochet 18 rows). 
Fasten off and weave in ends.
        Wool Warehouse

To finish with the trim:
Using secondary (trim) colour, sc around the edge adding an extra chain stitch into the corners to keep the trim flat.
Fasten off & weave in the ends.

Wool Yarn from Knit Picks

Now, go ahead and book mark this page too, so when you make some you can come back and post a link in the comments section below for Show & Tell!

Edited on 27th Oct 2014.....  
please note that several comments (below) state that I should be chaining one at the start (or end) of each row. I don't, it's not needed. In fact, to show you that it is not needed, please click here, it will take you to another blog post that shows step by step how it is not needed.
I utilise affiliate links throughout my blog as a way to help me keep crafting. If you click on an aff link, I receive a very small amount from it at NO cost to you.   So please help me to keep CraftyRie up and running by clicking on my aff links! Many thanks, Rie

05 November, 2012

Meanwhile on Rav...

Do you know that feeling of 'what next' when you're already working on one (or two or three) projects?  Well I do, I get it bad all the time! 
So whilst I'm knitting my hubby's secret vest & bubba's vest & a baby hat & crocheting some Christmas gifts & baby booties...... in my 'down' time I'm searching Ravelry for the next projects.
Here are some cute projects that have caught my eye...