12 March, 2011


Miss me? Did you even notice that I've been gone?
Don't fret because I'm still around!
At the moment I'm in a town called Snug. Yep, Snug!
It's a small town about 20 minutes south of Hobart (in Tasmania).
Why are we here?  Hmm, I'll tell you later.
In the meantime, the crochet that I dragged along with us for the ride is still sitting in the bag and the crochet book I also dragged along is still unread.  But baby Joe has been fed, burped, changed, fed, burped and changed - why is it that he decided to have a growth spurt now?
And why is it that I always get a cold on holiday - it's not FAIR!!

What have you been doing lately? What crafty things do you take with you on holiday?

And if you want to know where Snug is, it's here....

1 comment:

Hey there!
Welcome and thanks for reading CraftyRie.com.

I promise that I read every comment and reply back where I can.