22 October, 2012

Out with the old....

It's spring here in Australia, so I thought (rather than doing actual housework) I'd spring clean my blog!
So it's out with the old blog header ...

and in with the new ...

I'm still working on updating the content on the pages (about, crafted etc) - I have the worlds slowest wireless internet at the moment...so please hang in there with me!
I'm also working on some extra more buttons & badges as well but just in case ya wanna, here's a couple of buttons that you may (or may not) like for your blog! 

So, what do you think, do you like the new banner or is it totally obvious that I (an amateur) made it!?


  1. It's looking good..I like it!

  2. Wow, you are talented!! It looks fantastic!!!

  3. totally awesome love it wish i could do my own haha

  4. That looks beautiful! Well done. I'm thinking of a blog face lift too...



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