26 May, 2014

Made it Monday


There are 52 weeks in a year yet they can disappear so fast, I just wanted to take a few minutes each Monday to capture (in a few words) where did the week go and to share what was made/seen/baked/eaten/heard.
Come on in & join me...

Made: Phew, it's been a busy week! I've finished the trimmings bowl (above), the cutie pie dress for Laney & am now working on a vest for bubba Joe!
Heard: "Mumma, come & look at my butt crack"...  me: "what!! why?"   Joe: ..."because you can!"  ..sigh.
Saw: Baby Laney's bottom two teeth have now come through her gums, not big enough to photograph but just big enough to see!
Eaten: too much chocolate, every time I go to the store I see that it's on special, buy it & gobble it up!

How was your week?

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