27 May, 2014

Some more May... um, mayhem!

Gosh, the month of May is turning out to be full of pressure... the fun creative type of pressure that is!  I had just finished my entries for the trimmings competition and then for the pattern competition, I sat back, looked at my blog reader only to find out that there was another competition for May - it's called Milo May & you knit a Milo vest in the month of May to go in the draw to win some super cool yarn prizes! So, how could I resist! I mean, who needs to do housework or anything when there is a cool knitty challenge on!

I dived into my stash and found some brown wool but didn't quite have enough for a vest (for bubba Joe), so I thought I'd add some blue stripes.
 The above piccies are three days work - sitting on the couch at night ignoring my husband!
I'm still madly trying to finish it as we have to go away in couple of days somewhere where there is no internet coverage - I mean, talk about going back to the boons, no internet or phone coverage hmph!

Are you in any challenges for May or are you actually finding May relaxing!!  To find more Milo's for this challenge, just look for #milomay2014

1 comment:

  1. très beau ce défi je te souhaite bonne chance et bon courage pour ce défi!! les petites lignes bleus sont sympa bravo j' aime moi aussi allez au bout de mes défis voir blog, bon courage a bientôt biz


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