14 July, 2014

Made it Monday


There are 52 weeks in a year yet they can disappear so fast, I just wanted to take a few minutes each Monday to capture (in a few words) where did the week go and to share what was made/seen/baked/eaten/heard.
Come on in & join me...

Made:   Still crocheting like mad to 'catch-up' with this ruddy blanket! I swear because I feel that I am behind in it, it is making it impossible to find the time to do it!
Heard:   "Is that your boy that just ran into the shop?" ..."Um, yes" (thinking that he had done something bad), "he is just adorable" "Oh, thanks!" (phew!!) I think what made him adorable was that he was wearing a handspun, hand dyed, hand knitted jumper & a big woolly knitted cable beanie!
Saw:   Flowers slowly start to peek through in our winter garden.
Eaten: Too much chocolate, oops but these cold winter days need chocolate!

How was your week?

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